Saturday, October 19, 2019

AK47 Season 2 Episode 28: Joshua Harris and Purity Culture

Aaron and Kyle talk about the recent Unbelievable? discussion between the apologist Sean McDowell and filmmaker Jessica van der Wyngaard on Joshua Harris's recent fall from faith and the effect his book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, on the church and "purity culture."  We have our usual sidetracks in the conversation where we bring up people and topics like Steve Chalk, David Bentley Hart, Quillette, and evolutionary psychology, but we give our overviews of how Sean and Jessica did in the conversations, what purity culture is, people being in the internet spotlight from an early age, the sexual lives of Old Testament figures and h ow purity culture handles it, what we suspect Harris might do next, dating, and more.

Listen to the episode here.  If you prefer to listen to our episode on a different platform, like iTunes, Stitcher, or others, check out the links on the left side of the site.

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Find the Unbelievable? discussion between McDowell and van der Wyngaard here.

The statement that Kyle mentioned by John Cooper, lead singer of Skillet, can be found here.

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