Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The AK47 Podcast Season 1: Episode 3

Aaron's description of the episode.

I (Aaron) have on Philosophy Professor Mark Boone to discuss William James and Augustine, faith, empiricism, and some other stuff.

Check out his work page for all the relevant articles.

Most importantly though check out his youtube channel.

And also check out It's the best conservative discussion on the internet.

PS: I make a comment about Sam Harris being a practicing Buddhist, that is strictly speaking not true. I'm going to do either an article or an episode discussing what is about the statement soon.

Listen to the episode here.

To learn how to support our podcast, click here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

March for Life Obscurred by Identity Politics

On January 18 the New York Times daily podcast, named arrogantly enough THE Daily, discussed the current state of the so called women’s march. Unfortunately what could have been a productive conversation about “Women’s issues” in America became bogged down in a discussion about intersectionality. It started off on an extremely bad foot as Michael Barbaro opened with:
After the divisiveness of the 2016 election the women’s march became a historic symbol of unity.”
The women’s march was, if anything, the apotheosis of 2016’s divisiveness. It was the American left at its most Trumpian. Only an elite institution like the NYT could be this insulated from truth. Because the women’s march was a celebrity circus of nonsense. An incoherent rabble of moronic diatribes about “nasty women” “pussy hats” “period blood” and further perpetuation of the ubiquitous myth of a gender wage gap. The climactic moment, that encapsulated the utter bourgeois putrescence of the entire sordid affair, was surely when Madonna said:
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”

Read the rest of the article here

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The AK47 Podcast Season 2: Episode 2

Aaron and I risk our careers to talk about a very controversial figure, Milo Yiannopoulos.  We are giving commentary on the recent Eric Metaxas show that Milo appeared in.  We talk about the strange disconnect between Milo's beliefs about homosexuality and his lifestyle, how hosts interact with guests on interview shows, whether or not Milo is really conservative, and a host of other issues.

Listen to the episode here.

Metaxas' interview with Milo can be found here.

To learn how to support this podcast, click here.

Friday, January 11, 2019

The AK47 Podcast Season 2: Episode 1

Aaron's description of the episode

We're starting off season two with a BANG! Mark Hemingway (formerly of the murdered Weekly Standard) graced us with his presence. Not physically of course, but Spiritually. We discuss being married to women who make more money than us, free markets, social values, and get some amazing musical recommendations. The Hemingways are notorious music snobs, which means when they recommend stuff its good. 

The Music recommendations were: 
S. Carey
Big Red Machine
Robbie Robertson, specifically his self titled album from 1987
The Blue Nile

And the Portlandia article can be found here

Also Mark sent me the quotation he couldn't remember, and its pretty epic: 
"One is reminded of an observation of the philosopher RĂ©mi Brague. “Faith produces its effects only so long as it remains faith and not calculation,” Brague wrote in the 1990s. “We owe European civilization to people who believed in Christ, not to people who believed in Christianity.”" - Reflections on the Revolution in Europe by Christopher Caldwell

Listen to the episode here.

To learn how to support the podcast, click here.

The AK47 Podcast Season 1: Episodes 46 and 47

Here are the last two parts of Aaron's and Alan's premier of their new podcast, The New Worlders, which will have its own site at some point.  This premier finally finishes off the first season of our podcast!  They talk more about conservatism, society, politics, and other issues.

Listen to episode 46 here.

Listen to episode 47 here.

Check out the Salisbury Review.

To learn how to support AK47, click here.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The AK47 Podcast Season 1: Episode 44 and 45

Aaron's description of the episode.

Aaron and a good friend of his are starting another podcast dedicated to Conservatism and all sorts of other chicanery. This is where that podcast will be launching! Eventually it will have its own site, etc. They have decided to call it The New Worlders and are dedicating it to Roger Scruton and The Salisbury Review. Happy New Year! We might make it to 47 episodes tonight!!!!!!

Listen to part 1 here.
Listen to part 2 here.

To learn how to support the podcast, click here.

Check out the Salisbury Review website.