Saturday, February 23, 2019

The AK47 Podcast Season 2: Episode 7

I am starting a new series of interviews interviewing people who are Christian apologists, but not academics.  My purpose in these interviews is to encourage Christians who want to do apologetics, have apologetics ministries, or implement apologetics into their discussions with skeptics, but don't want to spend thousands of dollars of their money and years of their time on formal degrees in apologetics or other related fields.

In this episode, I interview Cameron Bertuzzi of Capturing Christianity.  I ask him how he became a Christian, how he became interested in the intellectual side of the Christian faith, and why he decided to start a blog on the topic.  I ask him for advice on how to become a good apologist without a formal education, how to deal with anxiety about having discussions or debates with skeptics,  his more controversial theological opinions, and where we can read his stuff.  I also ask him how one can start an online apologetics ministry and the importance of having knowledge and skill in marketing when building a ministry based on apologetics.

Listen to the episode here.

To learn how to support our podcast, click here.

Check out Capturing Christianity

Follow Cameron on Twitter.

Check out the Capturing Christianity Youtube channel.

Other Episodes in this Series

1. Sam Harper (Philochristos)
2. Evan Minton (Cerebral Faith)
3. Clinton Wilcox (specifically on the topic of abortion)


  1. His whole thing about time management was good advice.

  2. 2º Batalhão de Operações Ribeirinhas realiza atividade de liderança para alunos da EFOMM.
