Tuesday, September 22, 2020

AK47 Season 2 Episode 39: Becoming An Apologist Without a Degree, with Richard Porter

 In the next episode of Kyle's apologetics series, he has Richard Porter on to talk about how you can learn apologetics without having to spend years of your life and thousands of dollars of your money getting an advanced degree.  We get to know how Richard became a Christian and got into apologetics, how to learn apologetics effectively, the usefulness of verbal and written debates on the truth of Christianity, Richard's views of Reformed Epistemology and Lydia McGrew's approach to arguing for biblical reliability, the importance of mentors and reading hard books, and more.

To listen to the episode, click here.  If you prefer listening on another platform, check out the links on the left side of this site.

If you would like to financially support the podcast, click here.

Other Episodes in the Series

1. Sam Harper (Philochristos)

2. Evan Minton (Cerebral Faith)

3. Cameron Bertuzzi (Capturing Christianity)

4. Clinton Wilcox (this one is on the topic of abortion specifically)

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